From a dream

The mind is a curious thing. I dreamt I was watching some YouTube content on someone who traveled around in a van and visited various historical sites. She was describing her decision to stay in the north somewhere. As she described this, she drove into this beautiful old Victorian mountain town. She had to wind down a steep hillside and she narrated a story about the town as she drove through it.

She never gave a name to the place, except to say that it was founded by Mose ironworks. There were decorative ironworks everywhere including a spectacular footbridge that held the two peaks of the mountain together. The streets appeared cobbled and everything was made of decorative iron. We saw no people as it was early morning…like dawn or so

She continued down a winding street perched about a steep hillside until we go to the main historical site. As we did, she explained that Mose Ironworks originally created decorative but functional caldrons and covers for them.

At the end of this winding street she brought us to the school and the pioneer home of Rebecca Mose. The school was blonde brick but that was not of interest. Instead the narrator parked in front of a wooden home that had a large blonde brick building attached to it. She said the historical society had built the building as a museum to show artifacts from Mrs Mose and the town. I remember it was a 30s 40s style WPA building and the windows were more window cases which would be kind of Frank Lloyd Wright ish. There was an old rifle leaning against the sill in the inside.

Then I woke up. In the dream previous to this, I am younger, and in a jail or detention center. It is a mistake and I am waiting for my parents to come get me. In the meantime, I have to pee very badly and there is a line going into this cement room. It reminds me a lot of the old stage center in downtown Oklahoma City. They tore it down but when I was growing up I performed there. It was largely made of concrete slabs and the stage was theatre in the round with the voms opening out onto the stage from corridors underneath the stage.

Anyway, I finally figured out there was a line and these naked people that cut into the line were the ruling gang. They did not hassle me but they also looked like people not to cross. I finally found the gang minion in charge of the line and was told to go find the list and put my name on it. I found a bunch of papers with numbers on it and there was an opening next to 27 and a string of other numbers like on a fortune cookie. I think another number was 36.

I chose an alias because I decided I did not want these people to know my real name. I chose the name Dallas but I think I spelled it Dalys D’alys or Dallis . The rest of the dream was about trying to find a bathroom not controlled by them. I was told I would be third baseman on the prison baseball team. I found a room full of women trying on and altering clothing…colorful skits and wanting to pee down a carpeted hole but the others said don’t do it and one of the male gang members poked his head up out of the hole and he had spikey black hair and wore sunglasses. He said something about free access to bathrooms. So me and another woman found one but it was also in use…the room was a little market. It was like a caldron and when you flushed it, it ran over. One of my friends, Cora was there and she was angry with my friend for flushing it because the e coli in the air would polute the meat she had in a basin covered with ice and she was trying to sell the meat. We left in a hurry down a little green hillside, like we were at a Renaissance Faire. My friend was in costume and maybe I was to. I was defending my friend Cora, saying she was always a bit excitable and to pay it no mind.

Then I’m in an old wood cabin and my family has been visiting another family and we are getting ready to leave. I can’t find the bathroom and there is something about turquoise bead bracelets and I am invited to take one…

I wrote this in reverse so the last part is what happened first. There was more to the prison dream, something about a stone toilet. Clearly, I needed to pee in real life and my body was trying to get me to wake up. My dreams are so vivid though. I wonder if dreams are the portals in which we see our other lives in the quantum multiverse?

I had a friend named Cora. She died this past summer. My mind must be working through the guilt and grief I feel. I admit that I tended to blow her off. She snapped at me once for trying to help her, so we were never close after that. I get that when you call in sick it’s your day off and you don’t want to hear about school…but the sub could not find her lesson plans and I could not locate them either. I did not want her to get in trouble for not having them. But she yelled at me for calling her. The sub found the plans and all was well but I never forgot it. Yeah, you have anxiety, but that was a little extreme. I never forgot it and tended to leave her alone after that.

When I woke up, I googled Rebecca Mose, but no hits. There were some hits for a Dillon Moses ironworks in Ohio though so I thought it curious enough to write it all down.

Aren’t dreams strange?

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